Monday, June 1, 2009
the Gud news is....
we, Helminth FC were in Group E. Together with WESABE(last year runners up) ,NUKU United, Trafaq's United. And what most important is, 2 game out of 3 will be held on Saturday evening,1445. And 1 more is on Friday at 1600.
That is very praise to God... Alhamdullilah...
So our team players have nothing to talk about the time. Everyone can arrive early at the field, and can prepare early before the game... Hope no one give more, and more unreasonable reason to come late! hope so guys...
1 - Allah swt is always be with you when you are in trouble
2 - But did you always be 'with' Allah when you are NOT in trouble?
3 - Let muhasabah diri... Jangan hanya kita ingat Allah di kala kita susah dan kesulitan sedangkan di kala kita bersenang-senang, sedikit pun tiada sifat syukur di hati dengan rahmat dan kurniaanNya. Nauzubillah..
4 - For team members, hope all of us can prepare ourselves for this tournament.
5 - Let grab higher 'check point'. Not because we deserve it, but because we can do it. Lets prove it!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tomorow will be held the technical meeting which mean we have to start seriusly prepare our team mental and physical for tournament games. But what make me dont stop thinking about this cup is the TIME!
We are so busy in next 2 weeks with all the medical curiculum that we have to attend. The CSL, PBL, labs and plus the kelas ganti lagi! And we cant predict we are going to play on what day and on what time! Thanx God if all our match start on 1600but, what if we have to play on the first one! which start at 1445!
Sometimes im thinking to pull back futhermore so many injuries occur in our team members (including me!) but when i think back, flash back what all happened in last 3,4 months i felt they deserve this tournament games. Even dont no what the score is. At least it is a gift for their spirit, their courage , our team... which have train, play so hard in become a gud team (at least for us, ourselves)Whatever happend, the PBL,CSL, labs even exam... hope not to be the halangan for us... Hopefully...
Im just hoping, praying to God our team will be in group which only play on Saturday and Sunday. And if that happend, i can promise, we all in this team will give full commitment, doing our best for the tournament. Isyallah.
Plez Allah, help us. Ameen...
Thursday, May 14, 2009
It is 22 !
ThanQ to all my fren for the wish. and also Not forget from the first wish i got on last 10 May; from My MUM. it is 12am!!! I wonder how she still can text me a birthday wish on that time. ThanQ mama. Happy Mothers Day to you, mama. Thanx a lot for everything you done for me. I wish you happy always. ThanQ also to my GF and her frens for the celebration and for the gift.susah-susah jer...i like it very much heheh We were celebrating double-birth-day on that day. Happy Birthday Eiji.
And as 'usual' common thing we do when it is your birthday, (new year ke ape ke, kita buat gak) it must come with a WISH --- new vision ke, mission ke, a change? ape-ape jela yang seangkatannya --- i also done the same. I have my new vision, im hoping to change(certain part) > being better man < hopefully and.... so on and on... heheh
Whatever we are wishing, hoping, and want, it is useless if it just simply a WISH! Everything have to be DONE not only WISHING. Every wish we create,every hope we are dreaming, we need to create also the effort, the way, and the istiqamah in achieving that. And the let pray to Allah as our last effort in fulfill its 'mechanism' because effort without tawakkal is ALSO useless.
And lastly, to all people in this world who are celebrating their birthday, im wishing a happy birthday to all of you. May God always bless you.Bye.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
when the word 'OVER' comes at the end of the block....
1 - kna REMED kah aku??
2 - futsal jom! ada tempat futsal baru kat Jl Perintis depan Carrefour. Lumayan dekan kalau nak dibandingkan dengan Futsal Tango. Tapi Futsal Growth Center nie macam kecik sket. Agak kurang memuaskan kalau nak maen kat sini lagi. Tapi aku on jer kat mane-manepon. Janji ramai yang join!
3 - daTing? heheh -- xbley, xderk duit! lambatnyer nak 20hb =(
4 - makan-makan sedap... td ingt nak makan kat mas joko kat peTrani, tapi tetiba xde mood pulak nak pegi makan kat sana. Ksian aFiq kna g MP sorang2-sory r x dpt teman... Last2 panaskan api, masak spaggeti sendiri. Walopon ala kadar jer isi2 kat dalam spagetti tue (ada telor jer,huu) tapi alhamdullilah konyang jugak perot den =)
5 - apa ya nak buat sambil2 tunggu result remed kuar - lama gak nie,sampai hari khamis.... hopefully xkna remed.
6 - nape aku x pegi maen bola kat rusun ek petang tadi???
7 - owh, yang nie sgt penting! > qada' tidoku. Malam tadi tido kol 1 bangun kol 4.30 - ngantok3. Penat exam CSL minggu lepas pon x abes lagi. huu
Final exam for Emergency and Traumatology block already done this evening. All of us enjoying marking the answer becoz after this, the next block is the final block for us, 3rd yer student in UNHAS. Then we going to face clinical session which needed us to be more prepared and more responsible as future docter. But its sad to said, i still have Neuropsiachiatry to finish first before. i dint do well this subject last year. im hoping to wisuda this September but im also prepared if i have to wisuda on December.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku aku mengharapkan bantuan darimu.Mudahkanlah perjalananku. Ameen

--- Triple Airway Manuver ---
This block teach me a lot in handling emergency situation. ThanQ docter. Even its over already(walopon ada remed lagi,tapi tetap nak ckp over,heheh) but im sure all of us wish to know more emergency-care that we can do. Especially when we are on the 'field'. Gambate!!!
..... END .....
Monday, May 4, 2009
Its all about FOOD....
The Food Store - Makanan Berat
- Mas Agong Suroboyo? -
- Ramsis -
- Jasbox -
- SC -
- Medika -
- Kedai Ibu Ida -
- Kedai JAWA -
- Solaria -
- Mba Asih -
- Damai -
- Pak Dani -
- Kedai 'Pete-Pete' =)
- Kantin Tekla?
- Roti bakar Bandung - dlm BTP
- Terang Bulan Holland - kat sini die buat gak yang garing...
- Pisang Jampea...Pisang goreng-pastu die buh coklat yang sgt byk atas tue + keju gak-- sangat sedap-mesty cuba. Azahra kenalkan satu kedai nie kat Jln Petrani, tempat pete-pete 07 buat U-turn. Sedap giler...
- Pisang Molen,tahu - tmpt yang paling sedap adalah dalam BTP, depan kedai mas agong
- Apa lagi ek??? ingt2 lupa sebab tgh hafal CSL nieh... heheh
- owh... 2,3 menjak nie ad satu makanan baru - Tart Sheila Enterprise - sape yang order dgn die, xkan rugi. very nice. heheh
ok. got to go. Continue with the csl
Sunday, May 3, 2009
.: The RealiTy :.
- Kita x dapat juga 'gembira' dengan SEMUA orang -
How ???
I have one ^the TOLERANCE^
It is very magical in handling this situation. Im not saying if A do rob a bank then B tolerate.. owh its ok A have his reason bla...bla..bla.... Its not that side of thing im saying. What Im saying is we know WHEN to mengalah. WHEN to stop our mouth. WHEN to be the 'loser' .... Ada satu pepatah
'Tak semestinya kita berundur itu menandakan kita kalah'
Toleration with others will smooth anything that we face (but be sure we tolerate at the right part) Everything will flow nicely, Insyallah. Futhermore, toleration teach us the sifat what we call as SABAR....
So guys if you have the way or any idea bout this topic, do leave a comment. So we, human being can learn from it. Thanx a lot for sharing.
Bye ^_^
Thursday, April 23, 2009
...Leaque Domination....Cup Frustation....
But unfortunately, Sir Alex dint take seriously (i mean, he dint list down big name when MU face Everton) in semi-final FA cup !!! Dem frustrated with that game last Sunday, I think. With Anderson and Gibson as the stater at the midfield, how can they can create opportunities to their striker. Macheda and Tevez. Even Park, have to go deep inside middle of the field to help the center player.
Played as a right wing, Danny Welbeck seriously has open d bekam di dada himself...!!! So bad. I think lar... Thank God Ferdinand and Vidic done great job to save their goal. the twin Rafael and Fabio just pas-pasan.. ok la.. but Fabio injured in the middle of the game and substitued by Evra.
Overall the game is 'not very MU'
According to the manager, he dont want to risk his player as from his evaluation to the field, it is so in bad condition. Thats why, giggs-rooney-ronaldo-carrick-van der sar do not even listed in the substitued. One title have fly away from old trafford. Final FA cup is between Everton and the Blues,Chelsea.
Next game 2 days later is in Old Trafford facing Portsmouth for English Premier Leaque. the win is with MU !!! 2-0 the goals is from Wayne Rooney and Michael Carrick. While Liverpool and Chelsea, the closest rival for MU have to thankful with the draw to their opponent.
3 point leading the klasemen, MU going to face Tottenhem Hotspurs tonight at 1730 (local time) Other game is Liverpool will face Hull City and Chelsea will face West Ham United
Let wait till the kick off and see the result...
BTW, Malaysia FA cup final is also tonyte. Between Selangor FC and Kelantan FC. Gomo Kelate Gomo
Madness !!!
Kalau x salah ad terbaca gak terjemahan hadith 16 nie kat sumber lain, die terjemah Nabi yang mengulang perkataan jangan marah tue kat lelaki itu tapi kat buku nie tules, lelaki tue yang mengulang pertanyaan kat Rasullallah. Yang mane ya? xreti base arab.=)
Tolong betolkan yup.Thanx
Rasanya da ramai yang pernah jumpa hadith kat atas tue. Hadith yang ke-16 dalam hadith 40 ni antara yang terpendek n senang dihafal... So kpd yang punya waktu terluang, silalah menghafal hadith2 arbain ini ya. byk faedahnya. Insyallah.
Today my voice 'increase' again when we are playing football at Kaveleri.(tp ktorg still menang tau, 3-2)heheh. Dont no why i hardly cant control my voice when playing football, DEM... knapela aku nie..
1st memang niat kuatkan suara sebab nak guide kawan2 play nice.
2nd sebab nak suh kawan2 sentiasa alert dengan sourrounding
3rd nak kasi semangat supaya x down-klu ketinggalan
4th nak kasi semangat supaya x lost when we ae leading....
benanya banyak sebab knape aku bersuara keras kat atas padang bola sepak....
Tapi whateva purpose i increase my voice, believe me
- xpenah sket pon niat nak marah2 korang
- xpenah sket pon nak buat korang terasa hati
- xpenah sket pon niat nak rendah2 kan bakat korang
- xpenah sket pon cuba nak create suasana atas padang tue jadi tegang
- xpenah sket pon nak buat korang rasa ak x respect korang
- xpenah sket pon nak jauhkan persahabatan kita.
korang sume adalah kawan2 aku yang sangat best kat Makassar nie. Kita sume kongsi minat sama = BOLA .... dari xreti nak sepak bola, ak da boleh sepak skunk... korang la yang ajar aku. Xpenah sket pon NIAT nak kuatkan suara sebab nak marah.
Benda tue jadi sendiri. Ak sangat lemah untuk menahannya. Da banyak minggu aku cuba untuk tidak bersuara. tapi hakikatnya, inilah aku. selalu jer jadi marah bile emosi menguasai diri-jerit kuat2 x tentu hala (tp xde r x tentu hala sangat benanya. Ada jer point yang cuba ak sampaikan) tapi lebih elok benanya let go je point tue...... xpayah emo2...Terima kasih kepada kawan-kawan yang mencool downkan ak di saat ak kehilangan kawalan diri. Terima Kasih banyak. It help me a lot =)
Lets behave ourselves to be nice person (",) JOM
am I out of topic to talk about ?!
Im asking myself when my next entry will relez.i write 2,3 topic in last 3 days but none i publish... i keep reading it, and baca, baca banyak2 kali. but at last i deLete it... =(
donno why but what im sure i din like with what i wrote.... i used to write with my heart but this time something different come out from it... afraid it will give big 'disaster' it decide not to publish it... DELETE is the best choice. Is something bad has happened to my heart ( my soul? ) why? what happen?
I also dont know
Ya Allah, help me .....
Lets Muhasabah Diri
Jom Kawan2 (",)
Monday, April 13, 2009
A story for today's leSson....
I just finish my IKM exam dis morning. Alhamdullilah the quest quite 'nice' =) and my story today started after that !!
My gf got lab nak ajak makan sama2 kat jaz box,huu makan ramsis jeLa..Then I switch on my bike... (~THunder~) vrooOOmm.... sO PD riding my THunder, it is big enough for a motorcycle (even x laju sgt,huuu) to walk on the road. Then after about 500 meter(dari tempat parking baru, sampai ke selekoh depan Ramsis...) my bike somekind like 'tersedu-sedu' tahu x macam mane klu org masuk angin... erk..erk.. tahu kan? then my bike mcm tue r.. then it STOP! OMG.... it happen again...!! my bike used to sakit2 like this (plug die senang giler rosak! baru je ganti baru aritu tym maen futsal tapi rosak lagi hari nie,huu) , but it still make me happy sebab sakit die senang diobati...(yela drpd rosak yang laen...)hehe.
ops... actually it just a ',' COMA..PULL STOP
My story continued before I park my THunder at parking lot. Just before i land my leg on the ground my bike shut it off automatically. OMG! she do it again!!!! dem...angry with it, I just park and then go into Ca4 buy my stuff 1st!
Then after pay and angkat sume2 air tue... I go to my THunder... I still got one new pusi to change but the problem is I din have the kunci pusi(to take out the pusi)... ^$%#$@ !!! I try to find in Ca4 but they din sell it... I wait bikers who park there and ask them whether they have kunci pusi or not. One by one I ask finally, the guy I wait arrived...(mcm hero la pulak) hehe papepon thanx bro. I borrow that Mas's kunci pusi then open it, change it then try to start it.....
Damn! whats wrong with my THunder... why she dont want to start! I take off the new plug then take it on back... I do it several times, but she dint want to 'aLive' yet! Mas yang kasi pimjam pusi tue mcm da gelisah, hehe. It past 30minutes aredy, mane x gelisahnya....(Me: Mas, kita buruan ka? Mas: tidak ji, ndak papa...) and as usuall when its about my bike prob, I start to sweat...
ok Im done... give up aredy =( I give back the kunci pusi to the Mas and try to call someone... benanya x tekan pon number sape2. Sebab da nervous, pastu nak control ego, buat2 kal org... hehe
'' Mas, bensinnya masih ada ka? "I heard a sound from back....
" Ada-ada " I reply ('',)
Then I open the suis again, OMG!!!!
I just remember, "da 3 minggu x isi minyak...!! patotla xnak idop dari tadi...." my heart mengeloh..
Thank God my THunder mengamalkan prinsip reserve fuel... something like dat la. I pon x tahu sgt benanya. Then I open the apa ya nama die... mmm tapi bile open this *&^$ my reserve fuel tue da bole guna la...then
vrOOmm... Vrommm.. vrooommmmm....
ThanQ Allah,
ThanQ Mas...
The Pengajaran today....
1. U shud have reserve pusi in your bike... alwayzZ have it,Remember!!!
2. Buy kunci pusi secepatnya.... I need it badly. Sape ad jumpa, tolong belikan..
3. and lastly... topup your minyak motor !!!
-LOVE my THunder-
Friday, April 10, 2009
docter-to-be.... ke manager-to-be ???
Football 'life' here very 'alive' for us, Malaysian student in Makassar !!!
Watching, discussing, talking, arguing?, playing and even managing a football team... all have we done, all have we experience
we watch football match through the worths channel ever we met, although we play on the bukit-bukau padang with byk2 lobang (tp skunk da ada padang quite nice), xtahu pon benanya sape nama player team tue, tapi nak komen gak game die,hehe and benanya x penah pon nak manage a football team, tp sampai di Makassar nie, that things is not impossible yet!! we do have chance to do it here...
....that is the spirit of football in Makassar....
This spirit also have unite us, especially guys because through this game we do kumpul2 together, met others(tym laen buzy dgn study,coas dll), do fun, do kutuk2(hehe, this kutuk just saje2 jer,hidupkan suasana, xde niat laen), have tazkirah, advising, and for new followers, it give u chance to break the ice with other older members.Hopefully it wund lundur dek zaman... xkesahlah student silih berganti, ad yang da abes and ad yang baru nak start study kat sini. Let make sure this will not hilang begitu sahaja...
p/s : kepada yang belom mendaftar Malaysian United Football Club(MUFC) silalah mendaftarkan diri..hehe =)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What a MOTHER can do for her child !!!??
Apa ya mama tgh buat kat rumah.... mm mizZ u all a lot =(
Tym otw balik tadi juga ada 2 accident kat jalan perintis... peringatan kepada sepeda2 motor dan juga yang ada mobil, berhati-hatilah di jalan raya. Selalu ingat yang di atas, ingat yang tersayang, ingat juga yang di bawah(jalan kat makassar nie banyak lubang, =) so extra alert for your safety
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Champions League
Tonyte 4 team will have quarter final (1league) match for Champion League Cup 2008/2009.
There shud have no prob for the MU's player to win tonyte as Rooney,Scholes, Park, and Vidic who absent last game, will come out tonyte. But it is so sad Ferdinand still cant play tonye as he din fit yet!
For MU supporters pray hard and wish our team wun have any
prob to beat Porto later....
GLory, Glory MU !!!
Monday, April 6, 2009
IKM exam esok !!!
In 4 weeks this short boring block going to end the 'session' this friday. Im wondering what aredy i learn in this block??? and....Yes, there are a lot i learn.....
To be a Bapak KADES which is Kepala Desa, to act and think like him, learn how he taking a decision, standing the right for his villagers who need the bantuan from pihak berkenaan, and it is very nice to know how they (Bpk CAMAT, Bpk Kepala DINAS, Puskesmas, NGO dll) act in a meeting done when a disaster come to their place. And accordig to my tutor, the arguing between us in my acting role play session memang ada in 'real' meeting involving this guys outside there.
It easy to give a talk than to give a penyuluhan..... u shud have master the language here, and if u can speak bahase daerah, u will get your ++ point. My penyuluhan exam last week about smoking realy dem teruk. Im sweating in air-cond room, i terketar2( vibrate sebb phone kowt? heheh) , then i miz to elaborate some point, and..... mm pokoknya penyluhan hari tue x bejalan lancar. and if it in real situation, i dont thing the bpk2 and ibu2 interest to hear my penyuluhan... sgt2 boring. haha
seyes benanya ak x faham sgt lecture dari dokter2 nie... mungkin satu sbb bahase die or istilah die jarang ak dengar and ia membantu kepada keboringan utk belajar blok nie. mungkin satu lagi, it all about the facts! no need thinking (ye ke?) no pathophysio and farmaco so on and no CSL!!(of cos la...ko nie)
Tapi sebenarnya, block nie ad 'blink2 atraction' die tersendiri(hehe). Entah la, lepas baca sume slide benanya best je block nie. (i print out the slide coz sgt panjang utk bace di ladtop-and its rely help me to reduce the boring,hehe). They teach u the other side about the medicine itself. And actually this side is very important for a docter-to-be like us. we shud know this basic thing before we rely 'go' into this field in future. So my nasihat to junior2 (klu ad yang bace) ur first impression bout this block will tentukan the way u face this block till the end. So set a good mind-setting when u r going to take it in 6th semester.
Thanx to all dokter from IKM department. Dr Asri, Dr Sultan, Dr Irwin, Dr. Suryani, Dr. Rum...dll
Pray for me yar.... Nak sambung study, Bye
Malaysia Politics UPDATE - 3 by-election going to be held tomorow, serentak! -7 April 2009-
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Why we alwayZ can only see bad side of a person??
what if we remember it just for 'to knock him or her down from
somewhere', to fire him or her back whenever we need to win ourselves from something.What if remember it because we just jealous him or her from something...
Din it a big lost for us ?!
Perbuatan baik tidak akan menghapuskan perbuatan tidak baik.... Sin is a sin, of course... whateva good thing he/she done wun 'delete' the bad thing he/she done in past. But, din we think they deserve our apology? din we think they deserve 2nd chance? or din we ever remember, even Allah swt the creator of all the universe (including us), always open the pintu taubat for the human race. He always welcome every effort, every tears that cry becoz of penyesalan, every taubat from us... and He redy to apologize His hamba of course... and we? the weakest, small unpowerfull creatures in this world cant do that? perfect sgt ke kita nie xleh nak maafkan org laen? Bagus sgt ke kita?
Let us think about it deeply becoz realize it or not, yes, we tend to do this.....
Believe me, if we can handle this thing, we'll find that we are making more friend and more partner than before. Futhermore, it wud help us to kekalkan silaturahim between us which is very important for us who is a perantau yang mane kawan2 lah yang paling dekat dengan kita sehari-hari. we need kawan2 for everything. For joy or even for a cry....
----Love Our friend----
Saturday, April 4, 2009
our 6th Prime Minister
Friday, April 3, 2009
Why it has to change ?!!
once again let us go back to our
creator, Allah swt.
MUHASABAH DIRI, think wat aredy we done n why, and how
can we do that
Next Match for Manchester United

Asmkm dan Slmt pagi bpk2,ibu2 dan adik2 sekalian
Hari ini sy akan membrikan sebuah penyluhan yang bertajuk MEROKOK.
Sampai di saat saya di sini pada pg ini, berpuluh2 jenis rokok, berjenis2 merek dihasilkan untuk dipasarkan di negara ini. Sampai di saat ini juga berjuta-juta malah berbillion manusia di dunia ini menghabiskan uang, ke toko membeli rokok dari umor sekecil 7 tahun hinggalah ke kakek2 berumor 70tahun.
Jadi kira2 mengapa sih orang merokok?
Pertamanya kebanyakan anak2 remaja yang mula merokok ini ditawarin oleh teman2 di sekitar. Samada di sekolah maupun di mal2, mereka dtawarin dan mereka langsung menerimanya tanpa memikirkan apa akibat dari merokok itu sendiri. Yang keduanya kerana mereka ingin coba2. Anak2 remaja ini terutama yang berumor dari 10-15 tahun gemar melakukan sesuatu yang baru, mereka suka mencoba sesuatu yang belom pernah mereka lakukan. Mereka ingin tahu apa sih rasanya merokok. Tahu atau tidak, rokok itu sgt addict, sekali cuba pasti mau lagi. Dan bila sudah coba,bukan gampang kita mau berenti. Kemudian, perokok ini merasakan dirinya keren banget klu merokok. Ndak tahu dimana kerennya tapi pokoknya mereka merasakan diri mereka kelihatan lebih bagus klu merokok. Dan sebab seterusnya yang membawa kepada merokok adalah stress. Mereka pikir dgn merokok, stress akan hilang. walhal dgn merokok mereka akan lebih terpapar kepada pelbagai lagi penyakit. Percayalah, tidak ada satupon kebaikan jika kita merokok. Mengapa saya bicara sedemikian? Mari kita lihat kandungan rokok itu sendri. bla.....bla..... pnat weh!
Kemudian kita lihat pula apa dampak ataupon kesan dari merokok kepada kesihatan diri kita.
Dengan merokok kita lebih berisiko untuk mendapat penyakit jantung seperti artesclerosis yang mana lemak2 bertumpuk di dalam salur darah dan menyebabkan darah kita tidak dapat mengalir dengan baik. Rokok juga menyebabkan dinding jantung kita menjadi keras. dan ini boleh mnyebabkan jantung kita berenti bekerja suatu hari nanti....
dem byk gler dampak merokok nieh.... bla..bla... sempat ke x nak ckp sume nie esok dlm 15minit jer.. huuu
Namun begitu, bpk2 ibu2 adik2 sekalian jgn risau. Kepada yang skarang ini merokok dan merasa untuk berenti merokok, itu tidak mustahil!!
Yang pertma bpk2 harus berjanji dgn diri xnak merokok lagi. Tanamkan dlm diri utk membenci rokok. kuatkan smangat dan slalu ingt akan niat bpk ini. kemudian usaha. ya, saya tahu dan saya percaya bukan gampang utk berenti merokok tapi tidak mustahil!! saya dulu juga perokok tp skarang sudah tidak merokok lg. Jadi gini, klu dulu bpk merokok 20 btng sehari, sekarang kurang kan kepada dos yg lebih kecil. beli dos yang punya 14 btng. ndak pape sedikit saje perubahan tp yang pasti harus ada. kerna usaha kita ini berperingkat. Kemudian kasitahu memang teman2, saya ndak mahu merokok lagi. jadi mereka tidak akan tawarin lagi rokok utk bpk2. Kemudian selalu ingt bahwa rokok itu sgt berbahaya utk kesihatan bpk. rokok itu tidak pernah memberikan kebaikan kpd bapak2 malah sering saje menimbulkan masalah kepada diri bpk. Kemudian berdoa. Setiap apa yang kita lakukan, kita mesti berdoa. doa kepada tuhan supaya bantu kita utk meningalkan rokok. tanpa bantuan dari tuhan, usaha kita utk menigalkan rokok hanyalah sia2. Tuhan itu maha kuasa, Dia bisa lakukan apa saja utk tolong kita. dan terakhir kita evaluasi. dalam 2 bulan contohnya, berapa batang rokok yang bisa kita kurangkan.... dan jika ada perubahan, mksdnya usaha kita tadi berhasil dan kekalkan usaha itu sehingga kita benar2 meninggalkan rokok sepenuhnya. fuhh! letih tgn...
Sekarang saya akan menceritakan pula, ap sih keuntungan klu kita meniggalkan rokok.
Yang ppertamanya pastilah kita akan menjimatkan uang kita. Klu sebelom ini, kita gunakan uang utk beli rokok, tp skrang kita bisa kasi uang itu utk anak2 kita yang mau ke sekolah. jadi die bisa beli buku2 di sekolah. kemudian mulut kita pasti menjadi harum. tidak lagi bau busuk kaya' sebelum kita meninggalkan rokok. kita tidak lagi akan slalu batuk2. Kemudian kita juga membantu tulang kita menjadi kuat dgn meninggalkan rokok. Stress juga dpt diatasi dgn meninggalkan rokok. jadi klu stress jgn merokok! sebaliknya buang rokok dan makan permen. kamu pasti dpt rasakan stressnya akn hilang. klu sebelom ini, tekanan darah kita tinggi, sekarang ssuadah meninggalkan rokok, tekanan darah akan menurun. dan yang terakhir kita pasti akan menjadi lebih sihat secara keseluruhannya dan kita akan rasa lebih bertenaga dan tidak lagi cape'2 selalu. tapi semua ini hanya dpt kita rasakan setelah kita berenti merokok. buang rokok jauh2 dari hidop kita. Percayalah setiap sedutan asap dari rokok yang kita hisap sgt membahayakan kesihatan kita. Bantulah diri kita menjadi sihat, berenti merokok. hanya kita yang dapat lakukannya. org lain tidak dpt bantu anda klu anda sendiri tidak mau berenti.
Sekian dari saya utk pagi ini. Jadilah sihat untuk hidup yang bermakna
Esok dgr cter coas2 akan jadik bpk2 ibu2 tue sume. hope no malaysian coas dtng. klu x abes r....
K r \. nak tidoo dulu.... wish me luck ya tomorow...
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Sekapur Sir.... =)
See later...