Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sekapur Sir.... =)

Hehe.. new blogger is in !!! DOnt no why im doing this but it initiated when i read dini`s blog. I thought i should have a site for me to say something, writing about my crazy-wonderful life here in Makassar. No one ever kno, im a former writer. But b4, it just a writing in a piece of paper and and i will keep it for myself somewhere in my room (kompem korang xkan jumpa =) so jgn cari ya...) It mostly about my vision n my target for me to achieve. And when the time comes, ill will read it again. Ill laughing, sad, mad? and even a cry when i read back my writing. and I still have all of it with me now =) And maybe for someone it quite sentimental for a man like me to have it right? hehe but yea that`s is me. So for introduction, just remember im a sentimental man. Got exam tomorow so for now i finish first. Asmkm.
See later...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the club hehe ^_^
    im proud of u, at least u have changed from just writing in a4 paper and put in nowhere, and now officially publish worlwide..fuyooo! hehe

    btw, hoping u will istiqamah in writing. even a word. it's ok. keep ur experiences thru writing n u will feel the sweet of life.

    All the best ^_^
