Tappering =) yes!! this term at last come visit my wonderful life in coass in last 2 days here in THT-KL examination...
People only planning only God which decide the way of it... that's why after we study hard, commit with all the stuff we have to do, finishing it, then DONT EVER forget to pray for it. Because without His permission nothing could happened in this world.
Yes i do agree i deserved this tappering. With so unsatisfied answer come out from my mouth, no one except her wiLL give me a tappering. Dat shud be a FAIL! Thank you doc, i will prove u, you are right to give me a tappering. i dont think other docter will give me this chance. dat question is the most basic-must answered by a coass in ENT dept. MANDATORY!!! no excusE...So as the consequence, i have to lari next week on Monday to see her again at her praktek, finishing my exam. and hopefully, this tyme i can answer the question nicely. Help me Allah.And this weekend also, i will registered in new bzy-challenging department. ANAEST ! 4 weeks dinas+jaga in operation theater shud giv me lot of acid lactic and capek. Hopefully, beside this 2, i can find other new experience and knowledge for me to prepare as a future docter. May Allah swt bless me in wateva stuff im doing. Ameen...